A whole bunch of people SAYING something doesn’t automatically make it true! In fact, many things people believe about transfusion are just myths, and Kevin Land want to “bust” them for you!

Dr. Kevin Land
Mythbusters to the Rescue!
Dr. Kevin Land, who has extensive experience consulting with both hospitals and blood centers on best practices, takes an interesting and sometimes hilarious look at four of those beliefs, and (SPOILER ALERT!) flat-out busts some of them as myths!
Here are the four beliefs Dr. Land and I discuss:
- The biggest risk from transfusion is getting a viral disease
- Donors with type O-negative blood are universal blood donors and their blood is safe for everyone
- Blood is bad! Transfusing leads to increased mortality
- Younger, fresher blood is better than older, stored blood
This is a fast-paced and fun discussion! Let’s bust some myths!

Dr. Kevin Land
Mythbusters to the Rescue!
Dr. Kevin Land, who has extensive experience consulting with both hospitals and blood centers on best practices, takes an interesting and sometimes hilarious look at four of those beliefs, and (SPOILER ALERT!) flat-out busts some of them as myths!
Here are the four beliefs Dr. Land and I discuss:
- The biggest risk from transfusion is getting a viral disease
- Donors with type O-negative blood are universal blood donors and their blood is safe for everyone
- Blood is bad! Transfusing leads to increased mortality
- Younger, fresher blood is better than older, stored blood
This is a fast-paced and fun discussion! Let’s bust some myths!
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed on this episode are those of my guest and I alone, and do not reflect those of the organizations with which either of us is affiliated. Neither Dr. Land nor I have any relevant financial disclosures.
The images below are generously provided by Dr. Land.
Time-Stamped Notes
- 01:54: Intro to Dr. Land
- 7:31: Statement 1: The biggest risk of transfusion or from transfusion is getting a viral disease
- 13:30: True biggest reasons for transfusion death
- 17:20: Statement 1 Conclusion: Busted or Confirmed?
- 17:30: Statement 2: Blood donors that are type O negative are universal blood donors and their blood is safe for everyone
- 22:27: What can hospitals do to safeguard the O negative supply?
- 23:29: Five AABB “Choosing Wisely” statements
- 30:51: Statement 2 Conclusion: Busted or Confirmed?
- 31:14: Statement 3: Blood is bad. Transfusing leads to increased mortality
- 34:15: Dr. Land’s “Target illustration” comparing causation vs. association
- 43:05: Statement 3 Conclusion: Busted or Confirmed?
- 44:20: Statement 4: Younger, fresher blood is better than older stored blood
- 51:50: Conclusion for all statements: Busted or Confirmed?
Further Reading:
- Roubinian Nareg et al. Decreased Red Blood Cell Use and Mortality in Hospitalized Patients. JAMA Intern Med. 2014;174(8):1405-1407.
- Steiner ME et al. Effects of Red-Cell Storage Duration on Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery (RECESS). N Engl J Med 2015;372:1419-29.
- Lacroix J et al. Age of Transfused Blood in Critically Ill Adults (ABLE). N Engl J Med 2015; 372:1410-1418.