Glossary: RESt

Glossary RESt Acronym for “Rabbit Erythrocyte Stroma,” which is a commercial product used by some blood bankers to remove (or “adsorb”) cold antibodies from a patient’s blood sample. These antibodies are usually autoantibodies) that have...

Glossary: HTLV-associated Myelopathy

Glossary HTLV-associated Myelopathy “Commonly abbreviated “HAM”, and also known previously as “Tropical Spastic Paraparesis” (TSP), this neurological disorder is a rare complication of an infection with human T-cell lymphotropic viruses...

Glossary: Enzyme Immunoassay

Glossary Enzyme Immunoassay Commonly abbreviated “EIA,” this widely used laboratory technique also goes by the name of “Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay” (ELISA). Blood donor infectious disease screening relies heavily on EIA. These tests are...

Glossary: Quarantine

Glossary Quarantine Until blood products are fully evaluated and found to be acceptable for release to a transfusing facility or patient, they must be kept separate from other products that have already been through the testing process and made available. Quarantine...

Glossary: Deferral

Glossary Deferral A deferral is a determination and notification that a blood donor is unsuitable to donate blood. Deferrals may occur as a result of test results, high-risk donor activity, physical or historical donor characteristics that would make donation...

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