Glossary: RESt

Glossary RESt Acronym for “Rabbit Erythrocyte Stroma,” which is a commercial product used by some blood bankers to remove (or “adsorb”) cold antibodies from a patient’s blood sample. These antibodies are usually autoantibodies) that have...

Glossary: Serologic Crossmatch

Glossary Serologic Crossmatch A compatibility test between donor red blood cells and recipient serum or plasma, performed in a test tube or other testing platform. There are two main types of serologic crossmatch: 1) Immediate-spin crossmatches, and 2) AHG...

Glossary: Lookback

Glossary Lookback A multistep process a blood establishment must complete as a response to a donor who is newly reactive for an infectious disease test. The whole idea behind lookback is to (guess what?) “look back” to find previously collected blood...

Glossary: Adult T-cell Leukemia/Lymphoma

Glossary Adult T-cell Leukemia/Lymphoma Abbreviated “ATL” or “ATLL,” this is a rare and particularly aggressive malignancy of blood T-lymphocytes caused by infection with the Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV-I). Individuals diagnosed with...

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