Glossary: H Antigen

Glossary H Antigen A short sequence of sugars (oligosaccharide) found on many cells in the human body, but especially attached to red blood cell membranes and floating free in plasma and secretions. The H antigen must be made before either A or B antigen (the two main...

Glossary: Citrate

Glossary Citrate The major anticoagulant used in blood product collection and storage. Citrate binds to free calcium and prevents it from interacting with the coagulation system. Citrate works great to keep our blood products from clotting, but it can also cause...

Glossary: Blood Group Antigen

Glossary Blood Group Antigen A protein or glycoprotein found on the surface of a red blood cell (but often NOT ONLY on a red cell) and defined by recognition by a specific alloantibody. In other words, imagine you are a protein on a red cell. You do NOT get to claim...

Glossary: AHG Crossmatch

Glossary AHG Crossmatch The “anti-human globulin (AHG) crossmatch” is a type of serologic crossmatch used in patients who do not qualify for either the computer/electronic or immediate-spin crossmatch. In general, patients with clinically significant...

Glossary: Allogeneic

Glossary Allogeneic [Say “al-oh-jin-A-ic”] Literally, “being genetically different although belonging to or obtained from the same species.” In blood banking, allogeneic transfusion is when a donor and a recipient are not the same person (in...

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