Glossary: Vasovagal Reaction

Glossary Vasovagal Reaction The most common adverse reaction to blood donation, seen with increased frequency in young donors, first-time donors, and female donors (especially so if all three are true!). Vasovagal reactions result from (prepare for boring physiology...

Glossary: Intravascular Hemolysis

Glossary Intravascular Hemolysis Near-immediate, potentially catastrophic destruction of red blood cells (RBCs) as soon as incompatible antibodies interact with those RBCs. Intravascular hemolysis is most commonly caused by antibodies that are capable of activating...

Glossary: Urticarial Transfusion Reaction

Glossary Urticarial Transfusion Reaction Also known as a “mild allergic” transfusion reaction, this is one of the most common adverse events reported as a consequence of blood transfusion. Urticarial reactions are reported in roughly 1% of transfusions...

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