Glossary: Blood Group System

Glossary Blood Group System A blood group system is a group of blood group antigens typically inherited from one gene (but occasionally more than one). The ISBT has identified 36 blood group systems. While most blood group systems contain antigens that have similar...

Glossary: Concomitant Plasma

Glossary Concomitant Plasma Concomitant plasma is an “extra” plasma product that may be collected when a donor is undergoing an apheresis procedure for a different blood product (such as red blood cells or platelets). This method of collection of plasma...

Glossary: Citrate

Glossary Citrate The major anticoagulant used in blood product collection and storage. Citrate binds to free calcium and prevents it from interacting with the coagulation system. Citrate works great to keep our blood products from clotting, but it can also cause...

Glossary: Blood Group Antigen

Glossary Blood Group Antigen A protein or glycoprotein found on the surface of a red blood cell (but often NOT ONLY on a red cell) and defined by recognition by a specific alloantibody. In other words, imagine you are a protein on a red cell. You do NOT get to claim...

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