Glossary: Reverse Grouping

Glossary Reverse Grouping In ABO grouping, the testing of the patient’s serum or plasma against, at minimum, A1 and B reagent RBCs (the process is also known as “serum grouping” or the slang term “back typing”). The interpretation of this...

Glossary: Operational Qualification

Glossary Operational Qualification A part of a validation protocol for a particular piece of equipment, abbreviated “OQ.” This is the part of validation that people associate most with the process. The point of OQ is to test the limits of the equipment...

Glossary: WBIT

Glossary WBIT Abbreviation for “Wrong Blood In Tube,” also known informally as the blood banker’s worst nightmare! In other words, the tube says this is patient A’s blood, but it actually contains blood from patient B. A 2006 article (AJCP...

Glossary: Transfusion Medicine

Glossary Transfusion Medicine A field of medicine that is a hybrid of laboratory and clinical practices. Transfusion medicine physicians are pathologists, hematologists, anesthesiologists, and pediatricians that are experts in the science and practice of blood...

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