Glossary: Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

Glossary Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is a progressive, debilitating, fatal brain disorder caused by transmission of a protein known as a “prion.” The brain undergoes characteristic degenerative changes that include a...

Glossary: Allogeneic

Glossary Allogeneic [Say “al-oh-jin-A-ic”] Literally, “being genetically different although belonging to or obtained from the same species.” In blood banking, allogeneic transfusion is when a donor and a recipient are not the same person (in...

Glossary: Deferral

Glossary Deferral A deferral is a determination and notification that a blood donor is unsuitable to donate blood. Deferrals may occur as a result of test results, high-risk donor activity, physical or historical donor characteristics that would make donation...

Glossary: Babesia

Glossary Babesia Babesia is a tick-transmitted protozoan of major concern in the transfusion community as a result of the organism’s ready transmission through transfusion. B. microti and B. duncani (the two main species in the U.S.) are transmitted from mice to...

Glossary: Dengue Virus

Glossary Dengue Virus Dengue (pronounced “DENG-gee”), or “DENV,” is actually a group of viruses that cause “dengue fever” (more commonly, simply “dengue”) and a more serious infection known as “dengue hemorrhagic...

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