Glossary: ABO Discrepancy

Glossary ABO Discrepancy A generic term for a variety of situations in which the lab cannot confirm a person’s ABO type, because the testing pattern is inconsistent. Let me explain: ABO testing is a two-part process, involving testing a person’s red cells...

Glossary: Alloantibody

Glossary Alloantibody In blood banking, an antibody formed in response to pregnancy, transfusion, or transplantation targeted against a blood group antigen that is not present on the person’s red blood cells. These antibodies are most commonly formed against...

Glossary: Leukocyte Reduction

Glossary Leukocyte Reduction The process of removing white blood cells from a blood product prior to transfusion, primarily by filtration. So-called “leukocyte reduction filters” are part of a whole blood collection bag set, so that after a unit of blood...

Glossary: Vitamin-K Dependent Factors

Glossary Vitamin-K Dependent Factors This term is used to describe, as a group, coagulation factors II, VII, IX, and X (as well as the anti-coagulation factors known as protein C and protein S). All of these factors require the presence of vitamin K in order for the...

Glossary: HLA Alloimmunization

Glossary HLA Alloimmunization Alloimmunization, as defined elsewhere, simply means formation of antibodies against non-self antigens. When this occurs against antigens in the “Human Leukocyte Antigen” (or HLA) system, the process is known as HLA...

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