Glossary: Unexpected Antibodies

Glossary Unexpected Antibodies Any non-ABO antibody present in a recipient or donor. For example, blood bankers expect a group A patient to have anti-B, but would not normally expect another antibody, such as anti-K or Anti-D. The test to detect unexpected antibodies...

Glossary: Tube Testing

Glossary Tube Testing The classic manner of performing blood bank testing, both for detection of antibodies and antigens on the red cells and in serum/plasma. Tube testing, as the name implies, involves mixing serum (or plasma) and red cells together in test tubes...

Glossary: Reverse Grouping

Glossary Reverse Grouping In ABO grouping, the testing of the patient’s serum or plasma against, at minimum, A1 and B reagent RBCs (the process is also known as “serum grouping” or the slang term “back typing”). The interpretation of this...

Glossary: Re-entry

Glossary Re-entry This is a process that applies to blood donors who have been told that they should not donate blood for someone else, either for a temporary period or for the foreseeable future; i.e., they have been deferred. In general, re-entry is only available...

Glossary: Quarantine

Glossary Quarantine Until blood products are fully evaluated and found to be acceptable for release to a transfusing facility or patient, they must be kept separate from other products that have already been through the testing process and made available. Quarantine...

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