Video – Weak in the D’s (D Variants)

BBGuy Video “Weak in the D’s” A Look at D Variants Recorded October 2012 This Blood Bank Guy video is a look at two of the most commonly misunderstood variants of the RhD gene: Weak D and Partial D (as well as a little bit on DEL). I discuss the...

Video – Fun with the Lewis System!

BBGuy Video “Fun with the Lewis System” Recorded June 2013 The Lewis Blood Group System can be confusing, but it really CAN be fun! This video describes the details of the Lewis System in ways that will hopefully make them more memorable and entertaining....

Video – Blood Groups Overview

BBGuy Video “Blood Groups Overview” (Basic Immunohematology, part 1) Recorded December 2011 This Blood Bank Guy video is the first in a series of four videos that I did on basic immunohematology. It contains lots of information about the major blood group...

Video – Pretransfusion Testing

BBGuy Video “Pretransfusion Testing” (Basic Immunohematology, part 2) Recorded February 2012 This video takes a walk through the technologies and procedures used to ensure maximum safety for a blood recipient. I discuss collection and testing strategies,...

Video – Antibody Identification, The Basics

BBGuy Video “Antibody Identification 1; The Basics” Recorded March 2012 This is my most popular video (viewed well over 100,000 times!). This presentation includes my basic instructions on how to navigate, interpret, and understand antibody identification...

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