Glossary: Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

Glossary Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is a progressive, debilitating, fatal brain disorder caused by transmission of a protein known as a “prion.” The brain undergoes characteristic degenerative changes that include a...

Glossary: Computer Crossmatch

Glossary Computer Crossmatch Also known as “electronic crossmatch,” this is a type of major crossmatch done without the need for test tubes or contact between donor red cells and patient serum. The blood bank computer system compares ABO and Rh types of...

Glossary: Chagas Disease

Glossary Chagas Disease A parasitic infection (also known as “American trypanosomiasis”) transmitted by the bite of the completely misnamed “kissing bug” (triatomine or reduviid bug). This nasty bug bites people and then defecates into or near...

Glossary: Allogeneic

Glossary Allogeneic [Say “al-oh-jin-A-ic”] Literally, “being genetically different although belonging to or obtained from the same species.” In blood banking, allogeneic transfusion is when a donor and a recipient are not the same person (in...

Glossary: AHG Crossmatch

Glossary AHG Crossmatch The “anti-human globulin (AHG) crossmatch” is a type of serologic crossmatch used in patients who do not qualify for either the computer/electronic or immediate-spin crossmatch. In general, patients with clinically significant...

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