Glossary: Calibration

Glossary Calibration A procedure that compares results obtained by an instrument or system to a known standard. I have italicized “compares” because at its heart, calibration is just a comparison (people tend to confuse calibration with...

Glossary: CD38

Glossary CD38 A membrane protein involved in mobilizing intracellular calcium, expressed on many cells (most prominently plasma cells, but also weakly on RBCs). In blood banking, CD38 is important because of the multiple myeloma drug daratumumab (DARA), approved in...

Glossary: Cell Group

Glossary Cell Group ABO testing is a two-part process, involving testing a person’s red cells for A and/or B antigens as well as testing the person’s serum/plasma for ABO antibodies. Testing the cells is called “cell grouping” (also...

Glossary: cGMP

Glossary cGMP Abbreviation for “current good manufacturing practices,” though most people just drop the “current” and call them “good manufacturing practices.” See further discussion under GMP. Back to Glossary List Search for: Back...

Glossary: Deglyced

Glossary Deglyced Pronounced “dee-GLISSED”, this is a slang term that blood bankers use when they mean “deglycerolized.” Back to Glossary List Search for: Back to Full Glossary List Blood Bank Guy Essentials Podcast Read the BBGuy Blog BBGuy...

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